Penis size for almost all men is an important criterion for a full sexual life. Moreover, although the length and width of the penis is not inferior to the average standard, the man still wants to enlarge his penis by a few more centimeters.
Know yourself, right? What can we say about the representatives of the stronger sex, who by nature have lost an incredible penis size? As a rule, they are shy, do not communicate and are closed.
Actually, there is no difference in penis size. It has been scientifically proven that the quality of intimacy is influenced by a man’s erection, and not by the length or width of the penis. Moreover, in an upright position, the male organs increase several times. Thus, such an effect can be achieved by increasing the potential. Moreover, this can be done with the help of simple and time-tested folk remedies. We will discuss unconventional penis enlargement methods in more detail.
Herbs that enhance erection
The use of herbal infusions and decoctions allows you to quickly and safely increase the blood supply in the male genital organs, thus increasing penis size. The most popular herbal remedies for enhancing erections are ginkgo biloba, ginseng and hawthorn berries. If you want to significantly extend sexual intercourse, do wild oat insertion. Include in your diet fresh ingredients - parsley and coriander, celery root, so that your genitals can "fight ready" at any time.
And some more folk remedies recipes for penis enlargement:
- Herbal thyme infusion. Grind 100 grams of ingredients, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to cool. Drink twice a day after meals.
- Garlic crumbs. Take 20 drops twice a day. Products can be purchased at the pharmacy.
- Add medicinal lungwort to vegetable salad. You can drink the infusion: for this, pour 10 g of dry grass with a glass of boiling water, strain after an hour, take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
- Honey with nuts, mixed in equal parts, is an excellent remedy for persistent erections and prolonged sexual intercourse. Take "medicine" for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
Penis Enlargement Training
The general tone of the body and the intimate health of men will be improved with special training. To be sexually active, train yourself to walk, exercise every day, run in the fresh air, and exercise wisely. There is a set of exercises designed specifically for men who make blood circulate actively in the small pelvis. As a result, bladder and ureter function are normalized, which has a beneficial effect on erections.
The bathhouse has a very good effect on improving the sexual ability and ability of a man: during such a procedure, blood circulation increases, the body is cleansed, health becomes stronger.
Other folk methods
Many men claim that quitting smoking helps them strengthen erections, as nicotine damages the male hormone - testosterone, which ensures "vigilance" of the penis. Limit drinking and alcohol, as alcohol also lowers male hormone production. There is no need to give it up completely, but every man needs to know when to stop drinking beer, vodka, cognac and whiskey.
To increase blood circulation to the genitals, it is useful to take a contrast bath before bed. Immerse in hot water (40 ° -41 ° C), after one minute transfer to a container of cold water (20 ° C) for 60 seconds, and then repeat this procedure several times.
Cold compresses will help you strengthen your erections quickly. Wrap about 500 grams of finely chopped ice in several layers of gauze, alternately using a bundle for one minute to the base of the skull, to the ribs in the heart area, and then to the scrotum, and hold for another minute. Do this for 10-15 minutes. At the time of foreplay, you will feel that the condition of your penis has improved.
Now you know how to enlarge your penis with the help of folk remedies, so we wish you good luck and good results!